Friday, January 20, 2006

E.U. lawmakers demand equal rights for same-sex couples

European Union legislators called on E.U. governments Wednesday to end discrimination against same-sex couples regarding inheritance rights, property arrangements, tenancy, and pensions.

In a resolution, the legislators also asked the E.U.'s executive commission to consider penalties against member states that fail to fully implement laws guaranteeing equal treatment of same-sex partners where workplace policies are concerned.

A series of worrying events have taken place recently in a number of E.U. member states [ranging] from the banning of gay pride marches to use of inflammatory language by leading political and religious figures," said the resolution, condemning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Gay marches were banned last November in Poland, a conservative Roman Catholic country that has been grappling with the issue of how far to go in accepting homosexuality. The Latvian government attempted to ban a similar parade in July, the E.U. parliament said. (AP)

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