Saturday, January 21, 2006

Superman Returns - Most Expensive Movie Ever

There's been plenty of talk about how badly over-budget Peter Jackson went with KING KONG. $200 million is a pretty hefty price-tag for a monkey movie. But PJ isn't the only one spending exorbitantly in a climate of economic downturn for Hollywood. According to TV Guide, Bryn Singer is sending Superman Returns' budget out into orbit. They say the final price tag for the film may end up being in the range of nearly $300 million.

That’s right, $300 million for Superman's return to cinema. For that much money, they'd better have invented an anti-gravity device. Forget flying harnesses, Brandon Routh ought to have a jet pack in his pants (which WB would no doubt digitally reduce).

If they're letting Singer spend like that, then clearly Warners is banking on this being another Spider-Man, a movie that made nearly $783 million worldwide. It'll have to be, if Superman Returns is going to avoid turning into a massive, money wasting flop.


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