Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Harper Wins - What Have We Done!!

Harper wins Tory minority government, Martin stepping down as leader..
Liberal Leader Paul Martin announced early Tuesday morning that he will step down as leader, after Canadians elected a Tory minority government and ended a 12-year reign of Liberal rule.
Martin said he will continue representing his Quebec riding but added he "will not take our party into another election as leader."

Martin's announcement came as Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, who will become Canada's next prime minister, led the Tories to victory.

The Conservatives are currently leading or elected in 124 ridings, the Liberals in 103, the Bloc in 51 and 29 for the NDP. One Independent was elected, in Quebec.

"There will be another chance and there will be another time," Martin told a roomful of supporters in Montreal.

He said he called Harper to congratulate him.

1 comment:

doggerelblogger said...

The Tory minority is fantastic news for Canada!

Don't be sad - it's really for the best!!!