Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Chris Evans Talks to "the Advocate"

After working a whipped-cream bikini in the 2001 spoof Not Another Teen Movie, Chris Evans fried phone lines in Cellular and melted hearts as The Human Torch in the Fantastic Four films.

Next seen as a telekinetic troublemaker in February’s sci-fi thriller Push, the 27-year-old revisits his steamiest photo shoot and outs his even hotter gay brother.

Excerpt from the Advocate interview:

This may come as quite a shock, but gay men enjoy you.

I was well aware of that. I remember my mother saying, “Chris, do you know you’re #2 on some gay list [’s Hot 100]. Brad Pitt is #12!” I was like, “What?!” I couldn’t believe it.

That was 2007. I hate to break bad news, but you dropped to #8 in ’08.

Aww, that’s outrageous! Who took my spot?

I forget, but Jake Gyllenhaal was #1 for both years.

What? Jake? Unacceptable. [Laughs]

It couldn’t hurt to play a gay role next.

I really wanted to be a part of Milk, but I lost out to James Franco. I guess if you’ve got to lose, he’s the guy to lose to. I did a movie called Fierce People where I played a sociopath who wasn’t gay, but he does rape a teenage boy. You come to find out he didn’t do it for sexual reasons; he just did it because he could. He really was a sick character.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... and although his brother is gay, Evans won't go with him to a gay bar because he'd "never live down the gay rumors". Awwwwwww, shucks, such a stigma! And forget any more of those sexy/sleazy/shirtless/sweaty pics of Evans that have delighted us on the web for the past few years; Evans's publicist just doesn't think they're a good idea. Awwwww. Poor thing. Just more evidence that str8 celebrities should shut the fuck up or else risk losing gay fans (ike this one). And the Advocate should get over its obsession with interviewing str8 men. Denis Leary ought to have been enough (he'd rather kill himself than have sex with another man. Great, life-affirming stuff, huh?)