Thursday, August 28, 2008

H.I.V. Spreading in NYC at Three Times the National Rate

The virus that causes AIDS is spreading in New York City at three times the national rate — an incidence of 72 new infections for every 100,000 people, compared with 23 per 100,000 nationally — according to a study released on Wednesday by the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

The findings, based on a new formula developed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, estimated that 4,762 New Yorkers contracted H.I.V. in 2006, the most precise estimate the city had ever offered.

But the city stressed that because the method of estimating infections was new, it could not be said definitively whether the number of new infections in the city had increased or decreased from previous years.(
keep reading)


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the realities of homosexuality in big cities.

So called gay "culture" has resulted in young gay men being compelled through social pressures to behave in stereotypical fashion, including being promiscuous. One of the consequences is that HIV infection rates among gay men in urban areas are sky-rocketing.

It's an appauling disgrace and a real set-back for gay rights and the realization that gays are not inherently unhealthy. It's awfully hard to defend ourselves publically when privately we continue to act in a way that undercuts ourselves.

We need to move away from such stereotypical actions. We need not demonize sex, but we ought not fixate on it, either. Sex is natural and healthy, provided you approach it maturely. Safe sex is about far more than wearing a condom. It's about knowing your partner, too.

Anonymous said...

I do not know why so many guys out there looking for bareback sex and the amount of new bareback sex porn pout there promoting this activity.
You can go on Manhunt or Squirt for example and you will see a lot of guys left their HIV status blank and also there are quite a few of them are looking for BB.