Thursday, February 14, 2008

terrible signals

I'm losing my best friend

(photos taken Feb 13, 2008.)


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh I am so sorry to see this and so sad for you. I lost my little soul mate almost 4 years ago now. I was with her, held her in my arms when she went. It was the best decision I ever made. It gets easier with but they are always there in your heart. Hugs to you, spend every minute you can with your little buddy now so he feels your love.

yiristos said...

It's not often I get tears in my eyes from blogging... so beautiful and so sad. My thoughts are with you both. Paul x

Janine said...

I'm so sorry.

Thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

There isn't a dog person in the world who could look at those pics and not say "I understand, completely, how you feel". I join so many others in sending you good thoughts in the days ahead. Both of you.

pushka said...

You have given him or her a great life, You can do no more than that. Nothing lives for ever. When he or she goes, honour their memory by giving another dog a good life. God bless you. Best love


Anonymous said...

I lost my two cocker spaniels about six years ago and not a day goes by when I don't think of them. They were my life so I for one really do know what you must be going through.
Both are buried in my garden alondside each other and on their birthdays and other special days I light a candle and put it in a lantern on shepherds crook alongside their graves. If I get up during the night I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I look out into the garden and see the flickering candle.

"......Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you....
I loved you so --
'twas Heaven here with you"

My thoughts are with you. Don't forget, TIME is a great healer.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. Reflect back on all the wonderful times you have enjoyed together. Peace be with you.

Chuck said...


Anonymous said...

This is like one of the worst things ever, but know of the support and love from all of us during this hard time
Their unconditional love is something I cherish - we should all learn from thier love

Anonymous said...

So sorry for you-happened to me last week

Lucio said...

I read you everyday but never send you a comment.I 'm so sorry about your friend,a big hug from spain.

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear this, nuno.

take these days to enjoy each other, make him comfortable and say your goodbyes.

you'll know when the time is right.

Kevin Charnas said...

Oh NO!! I'm sorry...Truly. Our pups are everything to me...I know how awful this is...

I'm really sorry. Know that I'm sending you and your baby lots and lots of peace clear out here from the left coast.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Im so sorry that you even have to go through this. Such a beautiful buddy you have. I wish you both love and peace during these times ahead. wishing you many blessings!

fruit said...

I'm so sorry for you :-(

try to be strong!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your beautiful friend. What a sweetheart! I had to put my cat down a few months ago and it was so hard, but didn't want her to suffer anymore. You'll know when the time is right. Take care and remember all the great years!


So sorry to hear that My Friend - but my best wishes for you two !!
take care ..

Patrick Holt said...

I had to put my buddy down yesterday, he had cancer, so I'm with ya there. Sad sad sad, can't explain. :(

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you. As Shirley said, cherish the remaining days you have together. And if it's any consolation, think how much better his life has been since he allowed you into it.


Anonymous said...

My prayers for you and for your beloved companion.

~ Andrew

Anonymous said...

Nuno you are one of my dearest friends and it kills me to know there's nothing I can do to make this easier for you. Our pets make our lives fuller, love us unconditionally, and bring us a special comfort everyday. Nuno always remember that you've given Hector the best 15 years and the best home any dog can could ever hope for.

Thank you to everyone for expressing their condolences and passing along their best wishes. I know how much it means to Nuno. Bless you all.


Anonymous said...

It is not "like" losing a member of the family it IS losing a member of the family. Holiding you both in my thoughts.


philly76 said...

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand the love that Americans and Canadians have their pets. "like a member of the family"? Give me a break. I had a dog named "Rocky" who I had to put down in late November due to illness and because of his age. Two weeks later, my mother passed away from a terminal illness she had been suffering from for the last eight months. Please tell me, who do I miss more?? I think about my mother every day that passes and Rocky ocassionally crosses my mind. It's not the same thing, so please stop pretending it is. A dog can never replace a beloved family member who you will never see again in your life. It's just ridiculous to compare the two. I am sorry that your pet died, but it's not the end of the world. Maybe I'm just too European? The value of a human person outweighs that of an animal... I know there will be probably be a lot of hate mail to this, but I just had to give my opinion.

Anonymous said...

He is your friend, your companion, your protector. He is loyal and true til the last beat of his heart.

From one beagle owner to another, my thoughts are with you

nick said...

nuno...i love you and i'm so sorry this is happening...your friends are here and you know you have the power to make hector's last days the best they can be...i hope we will get to see you and hector this weekend...XOXO

Anonymous said...

Paul you are did not have to give your opinion. Your opinion is hurtful and disrespectful. If you don't agree with our perceptions of our pets that's fine. Keep it to yourself. This is Nuno's blog, his place to express himself....not yours.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry! We just lost our beloved dog yesterday and are heartbroken. It's devastating to see such sweet, gentle creatures go through any pain. My thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

As a pet owner I can't for one second imagine how difficult this time must be for Nuno. At this very moment I want to hug my dog. No one is going to convince me that the affection I have for my dog is misplaced however Paul does raise a point (even if it seems cold). An article that may be of interest is

It raises the dialogue of our treatment for all animals. Here I'll hug, love, and protect my companion. I have no doubts on the value of our pets and how indeed they add to the quality of our lives.

Anonymous said...

Paul is indeed entitled to his opinion. He claims that it is 'not the end of the world' when a pet dies. True. But using that argument, nor is it the end of the world when a 'beloved family member' dies either. I too am European (English actually) but I don't subscribe to either his views or reasoning.
Keep your chin up Nuno......we all know what you are going through....and our thoughts are with you.
Michael (London UK)

Anonymous said...

There are no words that can fill the emptiness we feel with the loss of a precious companion pet. Their unconditional love and devotion are missed as much as their splendid and unique personality.

"May I always endeavor to be the person my dog thinks I am."-- Unknown

My best to you,

Anonymous said...

Aww, thats so sad. I come to this blog almost daily to see whats going on. I am so sorry to read about this. Take care! Thinkin' of you.

Anonymous said...

Nuno, I am so sorry to hear what you and Hecktor are currently having to go through.

I'm not going to say that I've been throught this before so know what your dealing with.

The reality is no matter what anyone says, nothing is going to help. When Chris and I had to put Bear down we didn't answer the phone for days, we just wanted to turn everything off.

So, that being said, we love you and if there is anyting we can do to help, let us know.

All our love and best wishes, Drew and Chris.

You know how to contact us.

Unknown said...

It's so sad! I'll pray for the both of you... I'll not argue with Paul or Coup on the subject of the 'hardest lost' or whatever, but I wanted to say that in this kind of harsh time or anytime someone is down you can go and say "chin up" or "it's gonna be OK"... Take your time to grieve and express your pain to an open ear (or an open screen).
"Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone" R.E.M.

Ray said...

well, i will joseph.

paul, there was no reason for you to come here and share your opinion...however crass it was. this was not the purpose for nuno's post. i lost my dog when i was 9 and my dad when i was 11. i miss them both to this day. a loss is a loss. i've been through so many in my life that i'm not comparing them to one another. it's not a competition. i guess you could never understand how it feels to open your heart to someone/something else. it took me 17 years to adopt another puppy. i care for him so much. when he gets sick i take him to the vet and then i nurse him back to health. i'm careful about what i feed him. to sum it up, i keep a watchful eye on him whilst having fun. it was very rude and disrespectful on you're part to come here and comment the way you did.

nuno, i just wanna say i'm deeply sorry for what you're going through right now. there's nothing i can say to you that'll make it better. just hang in there.

philly76 said...

Dear coup and ray, last I heard we live in a free world and this blog is a public one, which means I have as much right to express my opinion as much as you do. When Nuno wrote about his father's passing, I commented and expressed my sympathies. When Nuno wrote about the remberance of his friend's death, I again commented on his loss. Simply put, we just disagree on this matter. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Dear Paul,

Like so many others, I too lost my pal , Cloie" and can relate to your sorrow. Unless someone actually experiences the loss of a pet, such an Nuno, or in my case Clo, its hard to understand. I felt like there was a hole in my heart that simply did not heal. My parent, Alex, supprised my with a new doxie just before the 14th, so we now have Millie. Give yourself some time, its going to be hard, but maybe there is another pal in the future. No pup can replace Nuno of course, but, at least in my case Milie has eased the loss.

Please know you're in my thoughts, all teh best \!


Ray said...


You're entitled to your opinion. If you had any kind of sense, you would share 'that' opinion on any another post except this one. It was in such poor taste. I'm pretty sure Nuno is going through a bad time w/o someone like you coming here and posting your views on a losing a pet. There was no need for you to do that...especially on this post. You are unbelievably dense. Ugh! 'Nuff said!

*walks out*

Anonymous said...

"If It Should Be"
If it should be that I grow weak,
and Pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done.
For this last battle cannot be won.

You will be sad, I understand,
Don't let your grief then stay your hand,
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.

We've had so many happy years,
What is to come can hold no fears,
You'd not want me to suffer so,
The time has come, please let me go.

Take me where my need they'll tend,
And please stay with me until the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me,
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time that you will see,
The kindness that you did for me,
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Please do not grieve, it must be you
Who had this painful thing to do.
We've been so close, we two, these years,
Don't let your heart hold back its tears.


Anonymous said...
