Tuesday, February 19, 2008


(Hector - November 1993)

I remember bringing you home. You were so small and cuddly with your tiny paws and soft fur. You bounced around the room with eyes flashing and ears flopping. Once in a while, you'd let out a little yelp just to let me know this was your territory.

Making a mess of the house and chewing on everything in sight became a passion and when I scolded you, you just put your head down and looked up at me with those innocent eyes as if to say: "I'm sorry, but I'll do it again as soon as you're not watching."

As you got older, you protected me by looking out the window and barking at everyone who walked by. When I had a tough day at work, you would be waiting for me with your tail wagging just to say, "Welcome home. I missed you." You never had a bad day and I could always count on you to be there for me.

When I sat down to read the paper and watch TV, you would hop on my lap looking for attention. You never asked for anything more than to have me pat your head so you could go to sleep with your head over my leg.

As you got older, you moved around more slowly. Then one day, old age finally took its toll, and you couldn't stand on those wobbly legs anymore. I knelt down and patted you lying there, trying to make you young again. You just looked up at me as if to say you were old and tired and that after all these years of not asking for anything, you had to ask me to do one last favor.

With tears in my eyes, I drove you one last time to the vet. One last time you were lying next to me. For some strange reason you were able to stand up in the animal hospital - perhaps it was your sense of pride.

As the vet led you away, you stopped for an instant, turned your head and looked at me as if to say: "Thank you for taking care of me."

I thought, "No - thank YOU for taking care of ME."

~ Charles B. Wells Jr. ~

(thanks Coup)


Anonymous said...

OF COURSE dogs have souls !
(It's people that lack them.
Any idea of a heaven, or a hereafter, without dogs, is not an afterlife I'm remotely interested in experiencing)
And right now Hector is having the time of his (after)life and I have absolutely NO DOUBT that he will be waiting to greet you when your time comes (and I'm not religious).

Anonymous said...

I agree. Dogs do have souls. I have shed a tear for your loss as I too have felt the pain you are experiencing very acutely. Take care.

Jeff in New Brunswick

Anonymous said...

Hey Numo, firstly my sincere condolenses for your loss. I know how much my boys mean to me & how they find their way into our hearts. I believe dogs do have souls & even now Hector is watching over you - he will forever! As your post says ... He will take care of you. Always love your blog! Hugs Dillon

Anonymous said...

reading that just brought tears to my eyes. losing a 'pet' is always hard, they share so much of your life and its hard when theyre not there anymore. my thoughts and sympathy is with you. all this probably sounds silly to those whove never had a dog but yeah.. take care dude.


Anonymous said...

I read your blog every day. Please know my thoughts are with you at this sad time. I had the same thing happen almost exactly a year ago. My oldest passed away from chronic renal failure. Hector will forever be in your heart, just as my Sidney is in mine.

Andy in Austin, TX

canoetoo said...

So sorry to hear about Hector's passing. Our bonds with our canine companions are very special.

Don't be afraid to move on to a new dog. A little over a year ago I had to make a similar decision. I had no intension of getting a 'new' dog but a month later I'd adopted an eight year old terrier who needed a new home. Everything's worked out very well for both of us.

All the best to you.

Anonymous said...

I feel your loss. I lost my 12-year-old dog just 3 weeks ago. Mine gave me so much love and joy as well. It's so sad to wake up and not see her on the bed with me. Memories flood back and bring both smiles and tears. And some unexpected memories, like finding her old toy under the couch, bring sharp pain. But I take comfort in knowing she's no longer suffering. She was a big chapter of my life and I think I grieve most upon the realization that that special chapter has come to an end.
You were a good daddy. He had a good life. You're both blessed to have had each other.

Anonymous said...

I might cry. this makes me want to forget everything else, go home, and cuddle with my dog.

Anonymous said...

tears in my eyes while reading your note....