Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Message from American Urge : "That's Gay" is the New "That's Hot"

Friends, it is time for a new approach!!!

How many times have you caught yourself or one of your friends saying: "that party was so gay, there was not one cute guy there" or "That's gay. I can't believe that bitch is wearing my outfit" or "Ann Coulter? Gay, gay, gay!!!" I bet plenty of times and in its many variations!! You are probably so comfortable saying these things that you might not even realize where I am getting at here. Well, I'll spell it out for you: using the word 'Gay' to denote something negative is WRONG! The word 'GAY' is not a synonym of 'lame' so stop using it as such!!

But since the more we tell people to stop using 'gay' as a derogative word, the more they go ahead and use it as one, it is time for us as a community to take a different approach. Since it is us gay people that define pop culture, maybe instead of trying to stop the world form using the word at all (just as with the N word), we can make them use it but in a positive light.

It is this simple: start using the word 'gay' to mean 'hot' (or cool, awesome, phat, wicked, major, solid, trippin', bitchin', etc.).

There you have it. 'Gay' is the new 'Hot'!! So, "that's gay" now becomes "that's hot" and "so gay" now become "so cool." Try it, is not that hard.

So now when you see a post on this blog that reads "that's gay" I'm not trying to say that what Chad White did is lame but totally hot.

(orginal post LINK)


Alberty said...

Thanks Nuno, you're awesome!

Art of Breyette said...

I totally agree.

Anyway I think to avoid confusion we need some transition phrases like "gaytastic" for hot or "trés gay" for super cool and styling.

Perhaps we need a replacement word to denote something negative, how about 'bush'?

Anonymous said...

As a teacher---I can't tell you how many times I hear "that's gay". I obviouly correct them and ask them what they mean by that term. All the time they mean it as "weird" "odd" "different". I do ask them to use better words to express themselves.

This is a good idea in theory but won't fly with the masses of people out there who already have it and use it as a part of their vocabulary.
