Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tom Cruise Starts Shooting Nazi Film in Germany

Tom Cruise, right, plays Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, who was executed for his role in the plot to kill Hitler

Tom Cruise started to shoot his controversial film about the 1944 plot to kill Hitler today — but the producers have yet to find a character to play the Nazi leader.

The bizarre problem — a case of playing Hamlet without the Prince — is only the latest twist in the $80 million (£39 million) attempt to tell the story of one of Germany’s few war heroes.

The film about Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg and his thwarted conspiracy to blow up Hitler has already split Germany, with many arguing that Tom Cruise, as a prominent champion of the Scientology cult, is unsuitable for the star role.

“He should keep his fingers off my father,” says Berthold von Stauffenberg, son of the executed officer. But the production is going ahead anyway, with filming starting on the eve of the 63rd anniversary of the July 20 plot. (
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1 comment:

Art of Breyette said...

Perhaps, George W. Bush could play Hitler, he's certianly suited for the role. Plus his grandfather profitted by supplying the Nazi's.