Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Pentagon Hates Fags - That's Mental

A Pentagon document classifying homosexuality as a mental disorder has surfaced, decades after mental health experts said that the idea is ridiculous.

The document outlines discharge policies for service members, allowing discharge due to physical disabilities, along with mental disorders such as mental retardation, personality disorders and... homosexuality.

Critics said that this typifies the Pentagon's failing policies on gays and lesbians, creating a culture within the military that allows gay and lesbian troops to be treated as second-class citizens.

And while we're on the topic, what the freak is up with that whole "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy? How dare they! The US government feels that it is okay to send gay and lesbian troops to fight (and die) for their country, while at the same time not allow them the basic right to live openly.


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