Thursday, June 22, 2006

Bryan Singer to Direct Harvey Milk Movie

Bryan Singer, gay director of the upcoming Superman Returns, is set to direct the Harvey Milk biopic The Mayor of Castro Street, based on the 1982 biography by Randy Shilts.

Milk was the first openly gay city supervisor of San Francisco. He and Mayor George Moscone were assassinated in 1978 by another supervisor Dan White, who was sentenced to only seven years in prison.

Outrage following the verdict lead to widespread rioting in San Francisco and police retaliation. His death unified the LGBT community.

Bryan Singer told Variety, "Harvey created a concept and pride for a disenfranchised group at a point in history when the world was in upheaval, and he paid the highest price for it."

"(Milk's) an extraordinary character, as a person in history. We're developing a story based on him that will probably center around the latter period of his life, leading up to his assassination."

"He is one of the great role models of our contemporary society that, unfortunately, a lot of people don't know about."


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