Monday, April 24, 2006

Johnny Weir - "I want to be a fashion designer"

Anyone who saw the winter Olympics knows that Johnny Weir is a world-class figure skater (who could forget the swan outfit in the men's short program?) Not as widely known are Weir's talents as a world-class shopper.

The 21-year-old could find his way to an upscale shopping district blindfolded and balancing on a single roller skate. Coincidentally, Boston is one of Weir's favorite retail therapy cities, so it only made sense that we tagged along for shopping when he arrived in town earlier this week.

Weir is skating today at the TD Banknorth Garden with the Champions on Ice tour, but before he hit the ice he hit Alan Bilzerian on Newbury Street and walked away with a new iPod case and a pair of loafers.

We promised to not talk about how much he spent, but let's just say that Ben Franklin was well represented, many times over.
(Read the Interview)

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