Saturday, April 15, 2006

United 93 - Trailer - Gay Rugby Player as a Hero?

All right, by now a lot of people must have seen the trailer for United 93. The tag-line says it all. On September 11, 2001, four planes were hijacked, three made their targets. United 93 tells us the story of the fourth plane. Here's the trailer:

There was a gay rugby player on the plane, Mark Bingham, and I hope that fact will be clear in the movie. It appears he was a true hero in the flight. Our gay is played by real-life-gay actor Cheyenne Jackson. Seriously, do you need more reasons to see the movie? I know it may be a bit early to see the tragedy on the big screen (my hubby might not see the movie -- being from New York and all) but I believe it will be a good thing for everybody, including for the families of the victims. A bit of closure. Check out the info on the tape recorded during the terrorist attack here
(source: QueerBeacon)

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