Thursday, April 27, 2006

Big Brother Australia - Aussie Cowboy Comes OUT

Big Brother's David 'comes out' on national TVAfter entering the Big Brother house 5 days ago, last night David finally broke the silence on his homosexuality to his fellow housemates. Big Brother’s Little Brother removes the coat hanger from the closet…
While performing Big Brother’s speed dating task, David asks Camilla if she would hold a grudge to anyone that has misled her. Acting confused, she takes offence to the question and demands if he has misled her.
Even though David is trying to evaluate Camilla’s possible reaction to him ‘coming out’, he remains evasive about the subject. Camilla leaves the conversation upset and David then enters the Diary Room.
When he reemerges, David gathers the housemates to the lounge. As he begins to speak, the housemates sit in silence to learn about this mysterious grouping.
He explains that during the ‘getting to know you’ task, it has been very difficult for him as he hasn’t been able to reveal all of himself to everyone. David says, “I’ve skipped questions and I’ve allowed you guys to assume things”.
The housemates listen curiously, giving David their complete attention. He says, "I wouldn't normally be speed dating where guys are on one side and girls are on the other. I'd be speed dating where guys are on one side and guys are on the other."

(keep reading)
(Sydney Games Pride)

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