Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Titanic's Last Survivor

Millvina Dean in her mother's arms a few weeks after the disaster. Today, at the age of 97, Millvina Dean is the last survivor of the Titanic disaster.
On April 15th, 1912, the luxury liner RMS Titanic sunk about four hours after striking a iceberg in the North Atlantic.

The loss of life, over 1,500, makes the Titanic the one of the worst maritime disasters.


Starck Mad said...

It's a fascinating story for sure. Oddly enough, I was looking into the story of a Chicago victim (since I live here).....and one of the only First Class female deaths, a Miss Isham, who refused to board the life boat without her beloved Great Dane dog, and so she perished.

Anonymous said...

Do see the 1958 film A Night to Remember it"s a great film and tells the true story of wot happened that night the casting is great two with kenneth more as second officer ligtholler Laurence
Naismith as Captain Smith and Frank Lawton as J Bruce Ismay many of the survivors had input in to the making of the film ,all in all
a vere moving film,

~N~ said...

yes.. I have seen it, it's a great movie!