Sunday, April 12, 2009

Enrique Iglesias & his Low Hanging Balls

The Mirror UK :

Would you ever do underwear ads like the ones Beckham has done?
I don’t think I have the package for that! If they can Photoshop the pictures and make my manhood look bigger, then maybe. But they must have done that with Beckham, right?

Apparently, not…
Well, if that’s all him then it makes the rest of us feel like sh*t!

How about posing naked?
Hell, no! I don’t look good naked. I’ve got chicken legs and my balls hang too low. I hear they get lower and saggier as you get older, and that’s f**ked up. I’ll have to tuck mine into my socks.
(keep reading)

1 comment:

Rick said...

Now how did he come up with that opinion? Unless they're knee knockers or something. Has he been checking out the competition?