Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Barney Frank Backs Clinton for President

Massachusetts representative Barney Frank has endorsed fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton for president and will serve as an economic adviser during her candidacy, the Clinton campaign announced Tuesday.

“Based on my work with her on issues involving discrimination, I am convinced that Hillary Clinton is the candidate best equipped to pass laws that will treat all Americans with dignity, fairness, and equality, no matter who they are or who they love,” Frank said in a prepared statement from the Clinton campaign.

Frank possesses “one of the sharpest minds in Congress,” said Senator Clinton, who currently leads the Democrats in national polling.

“Barney has devoted his life to championing economic fairness and civil rights and expanding opportunity for all Americans,” she said. “I’m delighted he’ll take a leadership role in our campaign."

Frank, who is gay, has represented Massachusetts’s fourth congressional district since 1981. After the Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives in the 2006 midterm election, he became chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. (The Advocate)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess Barney missed the gay debate.
His queen wouldn't support him tying the knot with someone of the same sex. If he thinks she would be great at passing laws maybe she should run for congress, oops my bad.
However, if Hil promised me a top level job I'd be singing her praises too.......
Also why hasn't Barn come to the defense of the closeted, non-closeted, gay, non-gay Sen. Craig..........