Thursday, March 30, 2006

Noteworthy Hangover Helpers

5 helpful tips to help make those horrible hangovers history

Nothing is more unglamorous than waking up, face-down on the porcelain throne, in last night’s disheveled attire—unless you’re Paris Hilton and said throne is made of diamonds. We know you’ll be downing them this holiday season, and with a recent study showing that it takes on average a mere 3.2 alcoholic drinks to cause a hangover (that’s just pre-function drinks in our office) we’d like to share our favorite cures for a nasty hangover. Cheers!

Drink vodka – The clearer the liquor, the less you get sicker. It has fewer hangover-inducing pollutants.

Late-night pizza – Carbs and cheese not only taste great when shit-faced, but they also help speed up the body’s processing of alcohol.

Bifidus Powder – A teaspoon in a glass of water before bed supplies enough friendly bacteria to help detoxify some of the impurities alcohol leaves in your body (plus it helps clean your colon, wink wink).

Head massage – Rubbing your scalp will bring blood to your brain, soothing your headache. Rubbing your other head will just make you feel a lot better, period.

Bloody Mary – Because drinking again will put your hangover off until later!

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