Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pro Soccer Player David Testo Comes Out As Gay

A former Montreal professional soccer star is going public about having hidden his homosexuality.

David Testo, 30, played with the Montreal Impact until last month, and won the team's MVP award in 2009.

The North Carolina native told CBC Radio-Canada this week that he is gay, and regrets not coming out earlier.

"I’m gay, I’m gay. I did not choose. It’s just part of who I am. And it has nothing to do with the talent of a soccer player. You can be both an excellent soccer player and being gay. … "

"It's hard, like living the life of a professional athlete and being gay is incredibly hard," said Testo.

"It's like carrying around a secret, you know, and carrying around luggage and just never being allowed to be yourself."

Testo's sexual orientation wasn't a secret to his family, friends, or even his teammates.(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo, David! you have my support!