Monday, May 18, 2009

James (JT) Thomas Jr. Wins Survivor: Tocantins

Yee haw! Alabama cattle rancher James (JT) Thomas Jr. can party 'till the cows come home, now that he's $1 million richer after winning Survivor: Tocantins.

The simultaneously strategic and charming 24-year-old Southern gent came out as victorious as Survivor winners get, earning a unanimous vote from a jury of seven previous castoffs.

The vote for J.T. was unanimous, and there haven't been many earlier winners as popular (I still have very fond feelings for Colby - Australia.)

Shots of Jack Daniels all around! Yee haw!


Anonymous said...

I love JT. But, I felt a bit sorry for Stephen.

Their coupling was the ultimate BROMANCE!

Anonymous said...

I felt JT was a little homophobic- he got Spencer voted off because he was manly enough...was hoping they'd ask Spencer at the reunion if he felt this was the reason he got the boot