Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Matthew Shepard's Mother to Help Open OutGames

The mother of Matthew Shepard, a young gay man whose brutal murder in Wyoming in 1998 made international headlines, helped open the inaugural North America OutGames on Tuesday with a plea for respect and understanding.

Judy Shepard has become an outspoken opponent of violence toward gays since her 21-year-old son was robbed, beaten, pistol whipped, tied to a fence and left to die in a remote rural area near Laramie.

Shepard said being homosexual is nothing to be ashamed of.

"The gay community is not on everyone's radar," she said. "It should be, but it just isn't."

"My mission now is to (honour) Matt's life by helping his friends and his community and raise awareness about the things they go through."

Shepard said Canada is on the right track in protecting gay rights.

"You're ahead of us in a few places - hate speech and marriage," she said. "The U.S. has just fallen behind in who we're supposed to be - very disappointing."

During their trial, killers Russell Henderson and Aaron McKinney tried to use a "gay panic" defence, testifying they attacked Matthew Shepard because he made flirtatious advances towards them.

They later changed their story and insisted the murder was not fueled by an anti-gay motivation but by a methamphetamine-induced rage.

The OutGames are being held in Calgary until April 8 and are being held in partnership with the Gay and Lesbian International Sports Association.

The event brings together gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and heterosexual people to celebrate sports and culture, and to engage in human rights discussions and workshops.(source CP)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Judy Shepard ...