Friday, April 06, 2007

The Last Supper (Leonardo)

The Last Supper (Italian: Il Cenacolo or L'Ultima Cena) is a 15th century painting in Milan (tempera paint on dry plaster, instead of wet plaster, as used in fresco paintings, to allow Leonardo to use a larger pallette of colors, however it also means that the painting flaked off of the wall he painted on which called for major restoration later on) created by Leonardo da Vinci for his patron Duke Ludovico Sforza and his duchess, Beatrice d'Este.

It represents the scene of The Last Supper from the final days of Jesus as depicted in the Bible.

The painting is based on the account, in John 13:21, of Jesus announcing that one of his twelve disciples would betray him.

The painting is one of the most well known and valued in the world; unlike many other valuable paintings, however, it has never been privately owned because it cannot be moved easily.

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