Monday, July 08, 2013

Royal Winnipeg Ballet Kicks Out Jeppe Hansen (aka Jett Black) for Gay Porn

Jeppe Hansen was a young dancer at the school run by Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet, a prestigious company with an international reputation. But online, Hansen sometimes went by a different name: Jett Black, star of videos on a pornography website.

The 22-year-old Hansen, who hails from Denmark, is claiming that the ballet company dismissed him from its school because of his work in pornography and that he was made to sign a letter saying that he was voluntarily withdrawing from the organization.

In a recent interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., Hansen said that the company "told me ... they didn't have any space for me because I did porn." He has since moved to New York to pursue a full-time career in adult entertainment, according to the report.(CBC)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that they did. There are consequences for every action. I'm tired of these porn stars thinking that they can run for governor and no one is going to question it. If us regular people get thrown under the bus for our previous convictions, so should a porn star. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Since when did anyone get convicted for porn acting?

Anonymous said...

Since when did anyone get convicted for porn acting? Where are you, North Korea?

Anonymous said...

He is 22 and still in ballet school ?!? Ballet school for boys is from age 10 - 18.
With 22 you HAVE to be on stage. Dancing experience minimum of 4 years. So "porn" in ballet is just a big fus and self promotion for one porn career... ballet deffinitely NOT.