Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lady Gaga Want to Meet with Obama to End Bullying - Now!

Lady Gaga has taken up the cause of Jamey Rodemeyer, a 14-year-old boy who committed suicide on Sunday after years of bullying based on his sexuality.

Rodemeyer’s death is especially tragic given that he posted an “It Gets Better” YouTube video last May as part of that initiative’s message of optimism and hope following a spate of gay teen suicides.

This evening, an emotional Gaga, whose “Born This Way” has become an anthem for inclusiveness, spoke to her millions of Twitter followers.

“The past days I’ve spent reflecting, crying, and yelling. I have so much anger. It is hard to feel love when cruelty takes someone’s life,” wrote Gaga moments ago, referring to Rodemeyer.

“Bullying must become illegal. It is a hate crime,” she declared.

“I am meeting with our President. I will not stop fighting. This must end. Our generation has the power to end it. Trend it #MakeALawForJamey

Within minutes, the phrase was indeed trending – helped by the fact that Gaga has even more Twitter followers than President Obama.(

1 comment:

glen_mc said...

Everybody should go GaGa!!