Thursday, August 19, 2010

U.S. Combat Troops Leave Iraq

The 4th Stryker Brigade cross the desert. They are the last US combat unit to leave Iraq.
US soldiers posing with an American flag for a photograph after crossing the border from Iraq into Kuwait.
BY the numbers..

Spent & Approved War-Spending - About $900 billion of US taxpayers' funds spent or approved for spending through Sept 2010.

Cost of deploying one U.S. soldier for one year in Iraq - $390,000

U.S. Troop Casualties - Total 4733

Non-U.S. Troop Casualties - Total 316, with 179 from the UK

US Troops Wounded - 31,897, 20% of which are serious brain or spinal injuries.

US Troops with Serious Mental Health Problems - 30% of US troops develop serious mental health problems within 3 to 4 months of returning home.

Journalists killed - 141, 94 by murder and 47 by acts of war

Journalists killed by US Forces - 14

Iraqi Police and Soldiers Killed - 9,571


Daniel said...

I would love to paint the top photo with American flag - can you tell me where you found it? Hopefully their's a bigger copy ~ Merci!

Anonymous said...

You forgot one important statistic in your anti-war, anti-democracy slanted view....

One country now able to enjoy freedom (including race and gender) as well as life, liberty and pursuit of happiness = 1

If you are going to start stating sounding off on death statistics and dollars spent, why not compare it to the US soldiers killed and dollars spent in WW 2, Korea or Vietnam? That would give us some perspective.

Anonymous said...

I hope that freedom (including race and gender) as well as life, liberty and pursuit of happiness stands the test of time.

A lot of people paid a heavy price for this freedom.


~N~ said...

Hi.. The photo was from the Times of London (UK)and its also on the AP site.

good luck

Anonymous said...

This war should never have happened. Thank you George W

Daniel said...

Great - I will check them out. Thanks again and keep up the great posting!

~ Daniel

Observer said...

There was nothing democratic about the invassion of Iraq. The US may have voted to invade based on lies spun by the Bush administration, but an invassion by its nature is not democratic. Iraqis sure as hell didn't get a say.

And anyone claiming that things are so great in Iraq now should really go live there. The sad fact is that Iraqis were freer and safer under Saddam Hussein than they are now. I'm sure they are VERY grateful to the US for that.

Anonymous said...

Mission done... we'll see.
Tell that to the mothers of those soldiers.

Good Luck with that.

Boston, MA

Anonymous said...

Mission accomplished !!!! a very Bush like statement ... some people cannot see further than their nose tip !

Anonymous said...

Ted Kennedy was right, this will be "George Bush's Vietnam".