Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where Were You When John F Kennedy Jr Died?

It was 10 years ago today, in the early evening of July 16, 1999, that news stations started to report that JFK Jr's plane was missing.

Within hours, every TV station was broadcasting news of the missing flight. It was hard to believe that another tragedy could happened to the Kennedy family but it was true.

On July 16, 1999, Kennedy was killed along with his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette when the aircraft he was piloting crashed into the Atlantic Ocean.

He was flying a Piper Saratoga II HP from Essex County Airport in New Jersey to Martha's Vineyard.

Kennedy and his wife were travelling together to the wedding of his cousin Rory in Hyannis, Massachusetts.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. (November 25, 1960 – July 16, 1999).

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