Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama Marks Gay Pride at the White House

President Obama on Monday became the first Oval Office occupant to officially celebrate gay pride in the White House even as the gay community remains bitterly divided about the pace of Obama's efforts to turn words into action for their agenda.

In recognizing the march of progress since the protests outside New York's Stonewall Inn 40 years ago, Obama achieved a milestone for many gay and lesbian Americans who mark the day as the beginning of their modern rights movement.
keep reading)


Anonymous said...

photo op stunt to appease gay voters he's offended time and time again- the DOMA brirf from the DOJ was a bigger insult than anything even Bush said about us!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, Obama may be the first half black, half white US President but something definately tells me he has had a gay past (some of the US tabloids are also telling me that).
This man has had adult gay relationships, no doubt in my mind.

Anonymous said...

And if he has had Gay relations, it is a negative thing. what is more injurous is that need on the part of this sick, racially predatory society to perpetually demonise, vilify Blacks. You'd think that we had enslaved others, created the bomb, stolen Jazz never having created it, devised Apartheid, one could go on. What is really telling is during the primaries the overwhelming majority of White Gays were stridently against this man, declaring loudly and clearly, I'm voting for her. Since when the f##k do Gay people hate a good-looking man. Racial animus towards Blacks is the ruin of your civilisation and sad but true you seem the least to know that Islam is about to do to you what you did to the 'natives' for the last 500 years...