Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gay Village Montréal Becomes a No-Car Party Zone

Turning a strip of Ste. Catherine St. that runs through the Gay Village into a pedestrian-friendly, no-car zone has been a resounding success so far.

Until Sept. 1, the stretch between Berri St. and Papineau Ave.. is closed to vehicular traffic, and terrasses extend beyond the sidewalks - making for one big café society.

Even the naysayers, those who were opposed to closing the street, have changed their tune as the terrasses stay packed from Wednesday to Saturday night and merchants are dancing to the tune of ringing cash registers.

"Some businesses were complaining in the beginning, but now their lips are zipped," said Gilles St. Hilaire, who works cleaning streets for the Gay Village merchants' association.

"It's amazing: all the people from the Jazz Festival, Just For Laughs and the Francofolies come here after the shows," St. Hilaire said.

"It has worked out well, the street is neat, tidy and there are no rowdy people," said Sam Tharani of the Espressonet Café. "In one month, I've sold more beer than I would normally in three months."

To add to the party scene, two special events highlighting the gay community are fast approaching: the Divers/ Cité festival July 29 to Aug. 3 and the Pride Celebrations from Aug. 14 to Aug. 17, culminating in the huge Pride Parade.(
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they should do that all the time.

those damn sidewalks are way too narrow as it is.