Friday, April 30, 2010

Ricky Martin: Arizona Law "Makes No Sense"

Ricky Martin thinks the new Arizona law is totally loca.

The singer told the crowd at last night's Billboard Latin Music Awards that the legislation allowing police to stop anyone they think may be an illegal immigrant simply "makes no sense."

This being his first major public appearance since coming out, the "She Bangs" star opted to keep his focus on the issues of inequality as a whole.(
keep reading)


Anonymous said...

He does not live in Arizona where the Mexican drug cartels and immigrant smuggling rings are creating a unlawful, unsafe and hellish environment. If the Federal government would protect the boarder, the citizens of Arizona, including many "legal" immigrant law makers, would not have voted in favor of this reasonable law. Ricky, in an ignorant manner, spoke before he read and understood the bill. This is the problem with "sound bite" media. Read, be informed.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. The Arizona law does not permit or encourage random mindless racial profiling. It demands that when one is stopped for other lawful means, one can be questioned and detained and deported as necessary in full compliance with existing Federal law. Using ones platform to expound on that which he does not understand serves to show us even this "star" has an agenda. Mr. Martin should get his facts straight before taking the stage to wiggle his ass and flap his lips next time he gets the chance.

Anonymous said...

Nothing personal, but you really shouldnt open your mouths and expose your stupidity. Both of you make the saying its better to be silent and be thought of as a fool then to open your mouths and confirm it. The Arizona law has nothing to do with crime because crime has decreased every years since 1979 in the state. What it has to do with is the influx of Hispanics (yes a lot illegal) and the realization that white will no longer be the dominate color by 2025 in that state and by 2050 in the rest of the nation. This is the cries of people who realize maybe when Hispanics are the majority that maybe, just maybe, they will do to them thru perfectly legal channels what whites have done to the Indians, the Blacks, the Asians and the Hispanics. Yea, its fear baby because maybe PAYBACK IS A BITCH!!