Thursday, May 22, 2008

the Kennedy Brothers - 1962

Joseph Jr. died in World War II. The remaining Kennedy brothers are seen here just outside the Oval Office in the White House in 1962: Attorney General Robert Kennedy (l.) and President John F. Kennedy (r.). Edward eventually ran for and took over John's vacant Senate seat.


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of slime. Nothing better could happen to the Murderer at Chappaquidick, you sleezy alcoholic whose politics have for years added countless trillions to our national debt.

Oh, Teddy, as you march to your grave, please push the chair-bound senile, former grand wizard of the KKK, corrupt while waving his pocket version of the Constitution, colleague from West Virginia, Senator Robert Byrd over a cliff. Good riddance to both of you.

Mitt Romney for Senator from Massachusetts!!

Anonymous said...

What a disgraceful comment above. The United States owes so much to the Kennedy family and indeed to Senator Ted Kennedy, who has been the most progressive senator in the entire US for years. If more were like him, the US would not be the cesspool it is today.

As for Senator Byrd, he's an old man who made mistakes in his youth. You can hardly call him a racist when he's vocally endorsing Barack Obama, nimrod.

Anonymous said...

No greater example of the need for term limits and mental agility tests for members of Congress than Kennedy and Byrd!!

Anonymous said...

Teddy Kennedy is a disgrace to his family and to Washington. I feel zero compassion for that slimy fat bastard. Had he been a Republican, he would have been driven out of office years ago, but because of his being the second most liberal senator (to Barack Hussein), the drive-by left-wing media laid off him. I second the comment on Romney for Senator!

Anonymous said...

Appauling racist remark above. Kennedy has a sordid past as a young man, true enough, but he done a lot of good, too. Keep in mind, there is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future. The same is true of Byrd.

Frankly, you have to be a total asshole to wish something like this on someone or to take pleasure in it. Should you find yourself in this position, we'll see if you're so giddy.

You'd have to be made of stone to have seen Byrd speaking on the Senate floor about his friend Kennedy and not be touched.

Anonymous said...

Touched by Byrd on the Senate floor? Quite to the contrary. I thought "And this senile, racist, corrupt bastard is part of our bicameral legislature?" What a disgrace.......... I was truly ashamed of our country.

Anonymous said...

Any proof of such slander? No? Then shut up, scumbag. Your delight in tragedy makes you far worse than anyone sitting in the Senate or House.

Anonymous said...

But, I'm not a murderer like Kennedy and probably Byrd (from his days with the KKK) are.

Anonymous said...

Lets weigh your contributions to American society against their's and see who comes out ahead.

Anonymous said...

I could do nothing and it would be better than the harm, fiscal irresponsibility, and cruelty to others that the 2 of them have wrought on the American people.

Anonymous said...

Put up or shut up, buddy.
And fiscal irresponsibility? That's republican talk, and we see that has gotten the US.